Taproot Foundation Messaging

Creating clarity to expand access


With tight budgets, non-profit organizations are endlessly challenged with not having the resources they need. Taproot Foundation has been on a mission to change that for more than 20 years. By connecting businesses and professionals with organizations that need skilled support, Taproot expands opportunities for everyone involved. But coming out of the pandemic, they found themselves in need of a messaging refresh to better explain the range of services they offer and expand the pool of talent they can draw from.


Since 2001, Taproot Foundation has helped social good organizations have the resources they need to deliver on their missions. Taproot has supported over 19,000 organizations by providing almost 2 million hours of service valued at more than $300 million.


Taproot needed a clearer way to communicate what it did both to non-profits who benefitted from its services and the volunteers and companies it was connecting to these organizations. The foundation needed a new positioning statement and supporting messaging.


In collaboration with Betsy Todd Creative Design, Taproot leadership, and board representatives, we helped refresh the organization’s vision statement, created a clear positioning, and developed value propositions to better engage key audiences, including non-profits, volunteers, and companies.

Taproot Foundation